Bollywood New Actress Shraddha Kapoor signed for Akshay Next Upcoming Movie Gabbar. Seeing a massive turnaround in her career post Most Propular Movie Aashiqui 2, The development is close on the heels of her giving a nod of approval to Shahid Kapoor's Haider.
"This is a huge high indeed for the petite young girl who is getting attention from all the right quarters," informs a source, "Gabbar is about to go on floors but the leading lady wasn't finalized. Though there were quite a few names floating around, no final announcement was made. By bagging Gabbar, Shraddha's career should take a good leap."
Film Producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali was quite positive about Shraddha making the cut since he felt the pretty girl carried just the right kind of innocence that the character demanded.
"This is a huge high indeed for the petite young girl who is getting attention from all the right quarters," informs a source, "Gabbar is about to go on floors but the leading lady wasn't finalized. Though there were quite a few names floating around, no final announcement was made. By bagging Gabbar, Shraddha's career should take a good leap."
Film Producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali was quite positive about Shraddha making the cut since he felt the pretty girl carried just the right kind of innocence that the character demanded.
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